Friday, March 6, 2020

14 Tips to Construct the Perfect Work Resume - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 14 Tips to Construct the Perfect Work Resume - Introvert Whisperer 14 Tips to Construct the Perfect Work Resume Did you know Google gets around 3 million applications a year but only hires about 7,000 people? With so much competition not just at Google but almost everywhere, even landing an interview somewhere becomes a difficult task. A typical recruiter goes through hundreds of resumes in a single day and skims through each one for only 15-20 seconds. So how does one stand out among his or her peers and surmount these overwhelming odds? Well, the answer is pretty simple. Create a stellar resume that catches the attention of the recruiter. In order to do this, your resume must be well optimized with clear subsections, a clean scannable format, well-optimized bullet points, lots of action words, quantification of achievements and much more. A lot of people tend to use the same conventional format, use the same action words and in fact, list the same set of hobbies that everyone else has added in their job resume. This usually backfires as there’s limited differentiating factor and ultimately leads to rejection. Hence it is no wonder 98% of the applicants, don’t even make the first cut. So, to start with, you can make your resume easily skimmable by implementing the 1-Page Rule. Fitting all the information in one page helps the recruiter go through the entire resume quickly and look for any relevant information. In case you have significant work ex. (8 years+) then a 2-page resume is also viable. Use a standard font like Arial which is legible and easy on the eyes. Be selective with your content. Mention only the most recent and relevant work experience. Same goes with education. Action words are basically keywords that the recruiter is looking for while browsing through resumes. Make sure your resume contains them. And before sending your resume, make sure you have the resume proofread by another person to look for any grammatical or formatting errors. Implementing these few tips will go a long way in improving one’s resume. To make your job easier, we have drafted an infographic which would give you a snapshot view of how to go about a resume which grabs attention. Want more detailed tips? Check out these 23 tips to make a perfect job resume.

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