Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chemistry - N For Nitrogen

Chemistry - N For NitrogenIn chemistry, N stands for nitrogen. The meaning of N stands for nitrogen, and you might have heard about it, but you probably aren't familiar with how it's derived or its role in nature.Nitrogen is a very important element because of its role in the metabolism of everything. It is the element that allows bacteria to grow. It is the element that allows plants to grow.In the case of man, this nitrogen is used for creating nitrous oxide, which is a gas that is a byproduct of combustion that helps increase the burning of natural gas. The byproduct of natural gas is carbon dioxide.In order to make nitrous oxide, there needs to be a source of methane in order to form the perfect mixture. Methane is a gas that is odorless, colorless, and relatively cheap to produce. It has a nitrogen that is made even more helpful in the process.The chemical reaction that takes place is quite simple. Carbon dioxide comes into contact with a molecule of nitrogen. The carbon dioxide reacts with the nitrogen to form carbon monoxide, or simply CO.When a reaction like this takes place, you can imagine that carbon dioxide is expelled from the body, which is nitrogen. That is why a person who consumes large amounts of carbon dioxide, such as a smoker, can develop breathing problems.While the popularity of having a very high level of CO being created in the body has been a concern, many new studies are showing that the effects of it in terms of cancer can actually be decreased by increasing the levels of this nitrogen that is taken in by the body. This is still not accepted by the medical community, but studies are showing that a low level of this nitrogen could also decrease the risk of certain forms of cancer. It is still up in the air when it comes to whether or not this nitrogen will ever be used as a medicine.

Friday, March 6, 2020

14 Tips to Construct the Perfect Work Resume - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 14 Tips to Construct the Perfect Work Resume - Introvert Whisperer 14 Tips to Construct the Perfect Work Resume Did you know Google gets around 3 million applications a year but only hires about 7,000 people? With so much competition not just at Google but almost everywhere, even landing an interview somewhere becomes a difficult task. A typical recruiter goes through hundreds of resumes in a single day and skims through each one for only 15-20 seconds. So how does one stand out among his or her peers and surmount these overwhelming odds? Well, the answer is pretty simple. Create a stellar resume that catches the attention of the recruiter. In order to do this, your resume must be well optimized with clear subsections, a clean scannable format, well-optimized bullet points, lots of action words, quantification of achievements and much more. A lot of people tend to use the same conventional format, use the same action words and in fact, list the same set of hobbies that everyone else has added in their job resume. This usually backfires as there’s limited differentiating factor and ultimately leads to rejection. Hence it is no wonder 98% of the applicants, don’t even make the first cut. So, to start with, you can make your resume easily skimmable by implementing the 1-Page Rule. Fitting all the information in one page helps the recruiter go through the entire resume quickly and look for any relevant information. In case you have significant work ex. (8 years+) then a 2-page resume is also viable. Use a standard font like Arial which is legible and easy on the eyes. Be selective with your content. Mention only the most recent and relevant work experience. Same goes with education. Action words are basically keywords that the recruiter is looking for while browsing through resumes. Make sure your resume contains them. And before sending your resume, make sure you have the resume proofread by another person to look for any grammatical or formatting errors. Implementing these few tips will go a long way in improving one’s resume. To make your job easier, we have drafted an infographic which would give you a snapshot view of how to go about a resume which grabs attention. Want more detailed tips? Check out these 23 tips to make a perfect job resume.

Miller Analogies Test (MAT) Review Series Pivot Terms

Miller Analogies Test (MAT) Review Series Pivot Terms GRE/MAT Graduate School Blog In this continuation of ourMAT review video series, we approach working through a standard MAT style Analogy via a technique using the “Pivot Term.” A “Pivot term” is a term that cannot relate to the blank in the analogy; ithelps you correctly determine the relationship between the given terms in the original analogy before evaluating answer choices.It’s imperative to identify thisrelationship before looking to the answer choices, as you will be better able to narrow your focus to pair the blank to one term vs. anything in the list of choices. Key pointers from this video: Identify the pivot term in the analogy Articulate the original analogy and identify the specific relationship between the pair Apply this relationship to help you fill in the blank by eliminating answer choices which don’t fit the relationship The MAT likes to pair one familiar term to one unfamiliar term in the given analogy, which can make it harder to eliminate answer choices. Avoid trap answer choices which offer a simple relationship such as, A is like B C is like D. This video was produced byMyGuruDirector of Online Instructionand expert online MAT tutor Stefan Maisnier. Visit ourYouTube channelfor more MAT analogy videos.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How A Students Mindset Impact Academic Performance

How A Students Mindset Impact Academic Performance Im just not a good reader.  Im not a geometry person.  We hear comments like these from our students all the time at AJ Tutoring, unfortunately.   While these may seem like harmless off-the-cuff remarks, they can reveal quite a bit about a students mindset and attitude towards challenges.Fixed vs. growth mindsets in studentsSome of our tutors and leadership team recently read Carol Dwecks book  Mindset:The New Psychology of Success.  In  Mindset, Dweck, a psychologist, examines the difference between  fixed and growth  mindsets.  According to Dweck, hallmarks of the growth mindset include an openness to learning new subjects, the ability to persevere in the face of difficulty, and the willingness to fail while trying something new.   In contrast, fixed mindset students tend to be afraid of failure, resistant to challenges, and unwilling to put in much effort to master a new concept.   Its possible for students to exhibit a growth mindset in some areas of life, for example athleti cs, while being entrenched in a fixed mindset in academics.Whats wrong with a fixed mindset?A fixed mindset is problematic for both our test prep and academic tutoring students.   Test prep students who have a fixed mindset are often afraid to take risks and try a new approach to a tricky math problem, preferring to try the same old algebra when they could solve the problem more quickly working backwards from the answer choices.   When fixed mindset students get problems wrong, they see the misses as evidence that theyre no good at the SAT and theyll never improve, rather than just a sign that they need to try a new approach or work more carefully.Fixed mindset academic tutoring students often to come us with a closed mind about how successful they can be in a particular class.   Whether they have a history of struggling with math or being behind grade level in reading comprehension, theyre not optimistic about their ability to learn and improve their grades.How can we encourage a g rowth mindset in test prep and academic tutoring students?Praise wisely!   Praise your students process (her effort, strategies, focus, and perseverance) rather than her intelligence or the outcome of a test.Educate your student about the growth mindset.   Tell him that every time he moves out of his comfort zone and tries something difficult, neurons in his brain are forming new, stronger connections.   Just knowing this fact has a measurable impact on students performance![Click image below to view Carol Dwecks TED talk on mindset]

Finding Your Passion and Career Path

Finding Your Passion and Career Path via Pursue Your Curiosity If you’ve been stressing out about what your passion truly is, you may be overthinking things a bit. Sometimes, trying to think about something as subjective as your passion in purely logical terms is not helpful. Instead, consider what you’re curious about. If you’re currently in college, now is the perfect time to experiment with a variety of fields you may be interested in (and don’t worry about not graduating within four years even if you switch majors multiple times, you can still graduate on time. It’s been done). Deena Varshavskaya suggests thinking about what you would be interested in doing if money were not a factor. Adopting this sort of mindset, without worrying about the financial trappings of your future potential career, frees you to figure out what you’re genuinely interested in. It could be a hobby you already enjoy doing in your free time, or it could be something new that you end up exploring through a college class or club that you join. Whatever it is, give yourself the freedom and opportunity to expand your horizons and go after what you’re curious to learn more about. Be Realistic and Take Healthy Risks A super important attitude to have towards your dreams and your career path involves being realistic. On one hand, you don’t want to discourage yourself from pursuing your passion just because you think it’s too difficult or even impossible. On the other hand, it’s necessary to keep your ambitions in check so that you don’t end up chasing a dream without any solid support or alternative options in place. That means reflecting on what’s important to you, weighing your options, and knowing what the consequences are, within reason, for your next steps. What’s more, following your passion doesn’t mean you have to stick to the same dreams and ideas that you’ve had ever since you were five years old or even since you were fifteen or twenty-five. Don’t be afraid to reflect on your core values and what you really want to do in order to take some healthy, informed risks. Of course, that can look different for different people. It’s important that you know what is feasible for you based on your particular goals and your circumstances. Don’t Prioritize Money It’s important to keep your true goals in mind when it comes to pursuing your passion which means that sometimes you need to put aside your money priorities. Instead of focusing on how much you can earn financially from a certain job, focus on what you can gain in terms of experience and skills. That way, you will be able to concentrate on improving yourself without getting bogged down by worries about money. Define Your Goals Once you’ve arrived at a clearer picture of what you’re curious about, you have a starting point from which to set some goals for your career path. After all, knowing your motivations for studying a certain major or going into a specific field is essential, so that you have something driving you to get through college and pursue a career. Be Aware of When Things Aren’t Working Out If you’re already working a job that you don’t enjoy or don’t see a future with, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate. Even if you don’t know exactly what you want to do instead, it’s important that you take action to figure out your next steps. On the other hand, if you’re working a job in a field that you’re somewhat interested in but aren’t sure where things are going, you may want to stick with it and stay committed for the time being to see where it will lead. Even if you aren’t sure exactly what your purpose is in this job, you may be surprised. When it comes to figuring out how your passion and your future career path align, don’t overthink it. Explore your curiosities and set goals for yourself, and you will be well on your way.

The mindset of a successful student

The mindset of a successful student Isn't life already hard enough? Especially for a pubescent teenager who does not yet have a fully developed brain? Having to navigate the minefield of social circles, extracurricular activities, and the opposite sex? This is, unfortunately, the norm, not the exception to any rule. And as the adults in the room, we honestly can't help all that much. We went through this process 15, 25, 30 years ago. Before the advent of the Internet. Cell phones with cameras. Social media. And we haven't even gotten to school yet! Successful students, or more correctly, successful teenagers have to balance all these plates, spinning wildly above their heads. The thing about spinning plates though is that they always fall, and never when you expect it. Successful students cannot possibly balance everything. This is where a successful parent comes in. The successful student falls. The successful student fails. The successful student is not perfect. This is why your student may already feel defeated. They are expected to have perfect grades, have perfect relationships, play sports perfectly, and have the perfect amount of self-esteem. Could you do that? How about learning to change thought patterns between classes like English Language Arts and Mathematics, where only critical thinking is truly valued in one and only linear, process-oriented thinking in the other? Maybe you can start to remember your own experiences in school in a different, not so rose-colored light. So what can you do? How can you help? Why is this so hard? And why are there dirty clothes and dishes all over the place? Successful students need a little thing called structure. And yes, I know, this isn’t rocket surgery or Earth shattering news. Like every skill, sometimes a little refining is needed. No, students do not need every moment of their lives scheduled. They do need to sit and get lost in their own heads from time to time. Thirty minutes here, thirty minutes there. They also need to sleep. A whole lot. Like an infant, a lot. Their brains and bodies are undergoing massive physical and chemical changes. It is hard work being a teenager and that is only the part that includes staying alive! This is what I mean by structure. A regular, loose calendar of the activities of the day. Monday through Friday are the easy ones. Wake up at the same time every day. Take a shower (yes, they will have to be told to do it). Dress appropriately. No, those sweatpants or yoga pants are not school appropriate. Eat. The brain needs fuel. Go to school. Take notes. No, you really cannot remember everything the teacher said. No, you are not like Sheldon Cooper. Come home after school. Take a nap. Wake up and do your chores. Work on your homework. If you don’t understand something, come to me. I may not know either, but I have access to resources that you may not know exist. Go to bed at the same time every night. No, leave your phone out here. Tablet, too. This is structure. It’s not really about times, dates, goals, achievements, or anything like that. It’s about a process. A repeatable process. A process with choices. And if things are missed, so be it. But there are consequences. Go to bed late, get up tired. Don’t take a shower, your friends will say you smell. Don’t dress appropriately, you will probably miss out on class. Don’t eat, lose focus in class. Don’t take notes, something your teacher said will probably be on the test at the end of next week. Don’t do your chores, do them during the weekend. Don’t do your homework, your grades will suffer and you will make it up over the weekend. And by the way, straight A’s only mean one of two things. A) The classes are too easy or B) Other plates are falling. Rarely can or should a student maintain a 4.0 GPA. And that’s ok. If you focus on raising a well-rounded person who can follow processes and can self-impose structure, the rest takes care of itself. The mindset of a successful student is one where they don’t have to worry about getting it all done.

Best Ways To Organize Your Rental Desk

Best Ways To Organize Your Rental Desk Keep it simple If constantly moving and changing desks, then this will definitely be a common guideline for you. Your goal is to keep your desk as simple as possible given it is only temporary, not permanent. This way, when you move or change desks, it is simpler to clean and store everything away. Plus, it is not necessary to set out framed photos, knickknacks, and a flower pot. Unless you truly want to transfer everything, which you most likely do not. The time extent of how long you have this desk really plays in to what you end up doing with it. If it is a months’ worth, then you can make it somewhat more cozy, as opposed to it being solely rented for a solid day. The idea is to keep the desk simple so that it does not kill you to move everything and that you do not have useless things surrounding you. No one wants that. Have mobile accessories This is probably the best way for an organized desk because it helps with items you do not need. Basically, why have a million accessories when you need about two of them at any specific time? No good reason. It is smart to store what you do need in a shoebox, or something similar. These items can and should include a stapler, tape dispenser, sticky notes, pens, and definitely Wite-Out. Of course this really depends on what your job or study needs are specifically, but I do not think you can go wrong with some staples and highlighters. They are always helpful and needed in life. Trust me. It makes your desk super organized because they do not have to sit out 24/7, and they actually have a place where they belong. None of them should be too heavy to move either because there are only a few items in general. So easy for desk hopping. Minimal is better This can closely relate to having close to zero items on your desk, but it also can mean with workload. In other terms, if you are renting per day, bring enough work for that day so as to not be overwhelmed, but also so you are not leaving work on your desk for the next day. You do not need an entire calendar for the year, an extra pair of shoes, or six excess binders. There is really no need for any of that, unless the day comes where you actually need one of them. In that case, run to the nearest drugstore, or sweat it out and worry about it the following day. No worries. This helps keep your desk very organized because once again, there is not a ton to move at the end of your lease. This is really the whole point because no one wants to waste time moving various desk items every day. Literally, every day. Given these rental desks are intended for people to not be easily stressed and to help them focus, why have a disarray of desk clutter? There is no need for it. This way, the less, all the more. Although renting a desk may still sound super irregular and strange to you, they are very useful for many people. Especially if you like quiet environments and really must get work done on a daily basis. It is obvious how to stay organized desk-wise, but imperative for many different reasons. You should want to keep it simple, purchase easy-to-move accessories, and keep a small amount of items overall. This way, moving from your rental desk is easy, cooperative and manageable. Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

Revolutionary Powersol Makes Debut

Revolutionary Powersol Makes Debut Charlie Egan, co-chair of the UNC Chapel Hill student government’s Renewable Energy Social Projects Committee, said this after purchasing 19 Powersols for the campus: “In today’s society, one thing we just can’t seem to live without is our phone. Wherever we are, our phones keep us connected. In desperate times of low battery, indoor outlets are traditionally the only place to turn. However, thanks to ZON’s Powersol solar umbrella, desperate times can now be enjoyed outdoors, in the warm sunlight, with the company of your friends. The Powersol solar umbrella offers innovative solar energy technology paired with a battery charging station to allow students the opportunity to charge their phones while sitting at a picnic table outside. Not only does this unique product meet the phone-charging needs of students, but it also serves as a great example of the practical application of solar energy to raise energy awareness on your university campus.” The Powersol will be presented at the APPA Annual Conference for Higher Education Facilities Managers in Nashville, July 11-13, 2016, where managers will gather to identify and discuss the most current and pressing challenges facing educational facilities, and determine the common path forward.  You can try out the Powersol for yourself at booth 8001.

BMCC Free Online Tutoring

BMCC Free Online TutoringDo you need a second chance at an excellent degree? Maybe you have found out that you will not be able to afford to get a traditional college education. If this is the case, you may be interested in BMCC free online tutoring. In fact, this online schooling opportunity is available for both adults and children, and there are many online schools and universities that offer BMCC free online tutoring.While BMCC tutors do not need to possess a college degree, some individuals simply prefer to be tutored by someone who does have such a qualification. There are many online programs that can offer tutoring, either through traditional classroom sessions or through chat sessions. Chat sessions with live, online tutors allows one to take the class and the tutors can be personal if they wish.Students often take classes at local colleges. This can help students to meet others who are interested in their field of study and to have the opportunity to get some firsthand know ledge about this area. Some institutions are more than willing to mentor their students in the course of their studies. These mentors can sometimes offer the student some extra benefits, such as paying for tuition fees or offering room and board when the student travels abroad.Not all institutions that offer BMCC free online tutoring are accredited. It is important to check whether the tutoring is actually being offered from a reputable institution. When people are taking courses at community colleges or universities, they are usually taking them for free, but they do need to pay for books and supplies. This is not true when students enroll in an accredited online program, as the learning materials are used at no cost.In many cases, it is easy to find an online course that is free or even has a fee. It is important to choose a reputable university that offers courses that are comparable to the ones at the collegiate level. Most colleges and universities are able to offer programs fo r any age group, so it is important to find one that will be of benefit to your needs. Not all online schools offer the same courses, so it is important to compare to ensure that the institution is delivering on what it promises.While there are some schools that provide the facility of online classes, many others are much more hands-on. These schools are often more affordable, but it is important to ensure that they also offer the very best possible online education. There are many online universities and colleges, many of which provide highly structured instruction and tutoring. Other online schools are more focused on preparing their students for the workplace.While some schools and universities provide online courses, others prefer to offer them on campus. While this option is not always convenient, it is definitely preferable. In most cases, the majority of online education schools will also charge by the class, so students need to compare all of their options in order to find t he best fit for their educational needs.